Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Treasury of the Heart Part 1

In these days of runaway public and private debt, rampant unemployment and foreclosures it seems appropriate to consider what Jesus teaches about money and possessions.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Jesus, Matthew 6:19-21NIV)

What Jesus Isn’t Saying
If all we do is look at this on the surface we could come away with the wrong idea. Is Jesus saying, “Forfeit all your Social Security, turn over your 401k to the church, get rid of all your retirement investments, sell your cars and stop eating at restaurants?” No.

That reading of this text is a good example of why regular Bible reading is important. It keeps us from reading Scripture like a child.

One Sunday the teacher at the Durham [Kansas] Baptist Church asked the children to raise their hands if they wanted to go to heaven. Every child raised a hand except one. "You don't want to go to heaven?" asked the surprised teacher.
"No," came the almost tearful reply. "I want to stay here in Durham."

The way to avoid misinterpreting Scripture is to read one text on a given topic with all the other teachings on that same topic in mind. Let Scripture interpret Scripture.

Here is what the broad scope of Scripture teaches about possessions –
It requires a man to provide for his relatives (1Tim 5:8).
It encourages us to enjoy the good things the Creator has given us (1Tim 4:3-4; 6:17).
It encourages work and provision for the future (Prov 6:6-8).

Since Jesus is the ultimate author of Scripture we can say without hesitation that He is not against money, possessions or saving for the future. I think John Wesley had it right when he said the following about the production of wealth. “Work as hard as you can, to make all the money that you can and spend as little as you can in order to give away all that you can.”

What Jesus Is Speaking Against
Jesus is not against money, he’s against greed. Jesus is not against possessions, he’s against covetousness. Jesus is not against the enjoyment of good things, he’s against the worship of things. Jesus is warning us not about the earning of money for good purposes. He’s warning us about “laying up treasure for ourselves.” He’s warning us about putting all of our hopes and dreams in our money and possessions. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jesus' Un-American Dream

The owner of the Chicago Bulls defined the American Dream when Michael Jordan retired (the first time). “He’s living the American Dream,” said Jerry Reinsdorf. “The American Dream is to reach a point in your life where you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do and can do everything that you do want to do.”

I do this. So do you. We set up our lives so that we don’t have to get involved with the world if we don’t want to. We can’t do it on the scale of a wealthy person. But we do it. And when we do we leave Jesus’ decidedly Un-American dream for us out of the equation. His Un-American dream? “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor, how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a lamp and place it under a bushel, but on the lamp stand; and so it gives light to all who are in the house.”

The Anglican cleric John R.W. Stott makes a pertinent observation on this point.

"You know what your own country is like. I'm a visitor, and I wouldn't presume to speak about America. But I know what Great Britain is like. I know something about the growing dishonesty, corruption, immorality, violence, pornography, the diminishing respect for human life, and the increase in abortion.
Whose fault is it? Let me put it like this: if the house is dark at night, there is no sense in blaming the house. That's what happens when the sun goes down. The question to ask is, "Where is the light?"
If meat goes bad, there is no sense in blaming the meat. That is what happens when the bacteria are allowed to breed unchecked. The question to ask is, "Where is the salt?"
If society becomes corrupt like a dark night or stinking fish, there's no sense in blaming society. That's what happens when fallen human society is left to itself and human evil is unrestrained and unchecked. The question to ask is "Where is the church?"

When Jesus said “You are the salt...You are the light...” The “you” was in the emphatic. It’s like when we say “YOU DA’ MAN!” He’s saying, “God has a job for you. You – the members of my kingdom - are the only ones who can do it. You will be the ones who prevent decay and show the way, the salt and light of the whole world.”

God leaves his people – us – here for a reason. He could have said, “Come out, be separate, start a holy commune, create your own economy, your own schools, your own record companies, your own TV shows. Keep your churches so rule bound that no sinner would dare show up in the place. Hide out in the holy ghetto until I come and get you!”

But that isn’t what he said. He said, “Stay there! Stay in the world! Keep it from rotting. Guide it toward that which is good!” You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shelley Lubben Tells the Hard Core Truth

Pornography has always been a soul destroying scourge. And it has never been easier to access than it is now in our wireless world, where the latest titillation can be downloaded to your phone. It isn’t unusual to hear preachers like me speak against it either. But it is unusual to hear porn “stars” tell the real story behind the industry.

Shelley Lubben has done just that. She is a former prostitute and porn actress that has been completely restored by Jesus Christ. She tells her compelling story on a website for the foundation that she created to reach out to people caught in the porn industry. The website is It is a powerful story for anyone to see, but especially for those who use porn or who work in the industry. More about Shelley’s personal biography can be found on her personal website

Here are some sobering stats from her site:
 66% of porn stars have Herpes, a non-curable disease.
 Chlamydia and Gonorrhea among performers is 10x greater than that of LA County 20-24 year olds.
 70% of sexually transmitted infections in the porn industry occur in females.
 25 HIV cases among porn performers since 2004 reported by Adult Industry Medical Healthcare. (Shelley advises that this number is purposefully underreported.)

Shelley’s story is full of hope. But it is also convicting to those of us Christians who have never known the shame and degradation of a life like hers. It takes a relentless kind of unconditional love to reach a person like Shelley and let her know that she is as valuable to God as any one of us that sings songs to Jesus on Sunday Morning. Most of us, I’m afraid, would rather “pass by on the other side of the road” than offer the hope and forgiveness that she was offered at her church in California. God bless those guys, whoever they are.

Go to, click on the video link to the right titled: SHELLEY LUBBEN TELLS THE HARD CORE TRUTH. Watch the whole thing. And ask God to help us become a Church where the Shelley Lubbens of the world can meet Jesus and be restored. And if you know someone struggling with a porn addiction, give them the link and urge them to watch. They will never see porn the same way again.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Physics recognizes the second law of thermodynamics. Everything is winding down. Everything atrophies. Everything decays unless it’s maintained.
Do you have a car? The clutch will need to be replaced or the seals in the automatic transmission. Own a home? The siding will rot. The mortar in the bricks will need touching up. The porch will sag. The plumbing will stop up. Have a computer? Its brain will get corrupted unless you protect it.
What most of us don’t think about is that there is a spiritual version of that law. It’s called “the law (or doctrine) of total depravity”. It means that the whole person is affected by something that destroys us, something that causes problems in our relationships and our communities. The mind, the will, the emotions and the body of every human being is infected with a condition known as sin. It doesn’t mean that everyone is as bad as he can possibly be. It means that left to ourselves, without something to keep us in line, we will tend toward selfish, greedy and destructive behavior.
The second law of thermodynamics means we have to work at maintaining physical things. The law of total depravity means that we have to work at maintaining spiritual things. That’s what Jesus meant when he said, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt has lost its saltiness it is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do men light a lamp and put it on under a basket, but on the lamp stand, and so it gives light to all who are in the house.” (Matthew 5:13-16).
How to pull that off? How can we be salt and light? Well, it can be quite costly. Howard Hendricks of Dallas Theological Seminary illustrates the cost with a story.
Some years ago, I was walking the streets in San Mateo, California. I met an attorney I knew from a local evangelical church. I said to him, "What are you doing?"
He said, "I'm looking for a job."
I said, "You've got to be kidding."
He said, "No, last week I walked out the front door of that corporation and told them, 'You can hang it on your beak. I'm no longer going to write contracts that you and I both know are illegal and illegitimate.'"
That man is regarded as one of the top five corporate lawyers in America, and he's unwilling to sell his value system for a mess of pottage. We need a larger core of lawyers like that.
I can hear you thinking, “Yeah, we need more lawyers like that.” But to be honest we need more mechanics, more doctors, more contractors and more everybody to be like that. That’s what it means to be salt.
Without something to preserve it, the world will decay morally and ethically. Without something to light the way, the world will recede into darkness. God put his church into the world to be that something. God put you and me here to do something for the world that the world cannot do for itself. You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.